Saturday, August 24, 2024


In August.  With temps in the 50s.  I kind of like it and we need the rain, but it's very unusual.  Here is a little bit of update about the summer. 

A new belt designed by and for Nicky, stitched by Guess Who, leathered by the guy across the street who has a big leatherwork shop.  We all done good.

Did you ever see yuccas bloom like this?  Wow!

There are several productive artichokes in the back garden so we had good eating for a couple of weeks.  Do earwigs count as protein?

An afternoon in Seattle gave us the extreme pleasure of Cecily, Jillian, and Gigi.  Teri and Will, too, but they missed the photo op.  

We enjoyed time with Bob and Laurel.  Isn't it a perfect Old Fart shot with pain killers next to the cocktail? 

Not very exciting, is it?  Maybe there will be more news coming 'round the bend.


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