Thursday, September 12, 2024

Big boys have big toys

 The mover guys arrived at 11:25 - I went in to put on my shoes and look what I found when I returned - 

The first half of Gert's house sitting in the front yard!  The incredible little $90,000 remote-controlled tractor just whipped it right over there.  Here are some shots of the second half getting put next to it. 

That's the remote control in his hand.  He drove that thing like a little kid does with his sidewalk cars.  I think we need one for parking the RV. 

It was all finished at noon! 

It looks kind of pathetic, doesn't it.  Bolt it back together, slap on a coat of paint, fix the roof and it'll be ready for some serious Patch and workshop action.

Next week they will scrape away all this old base and begin building two new ones, one for Gert's house to be moved back by the garage, and one for the new house.  Use your imagination - mine is working overtime.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

And so it begins

 Tuesday morning a truck and three guys showed up to begin the process of taking Gert's house apart to prepare it for moving, which they say will be tomorrow.  We hope.  Look what happened - 

John and his tractor to the rescue to remove the remaining stumps of the shrubbery.

Craig didn't want to miss out on the fun. 

What should we do with the front porch steps?

Hey, we can pee!

There goes the back porch step.

                                                   It all looks so bare.

                    They took off the panel that covers the joining seam

Then with just a little hand jack it went up enough to put wheels under there.

Mind the gap. 

                                       There is always a party to be had.

                                              It looks so very sad.

                         But is ready for some big movement.  Stay tuned.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Paul Bunyan and his Babes

Craig brought his chain saw, his wife Cindi, daughter Jennifer and his tree expertise all the way from next door to make quick work of some spindly trees.  Then he cleaned up some others and went home with a bit of firewood.  
We are very grateful.

 There will be a substantial bonfire when the burn ban is lifted.  Bring your marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate.  And wine.


Friday, September 6, 2024

980 Months Old

 Kind of an interesting perspective on this old guy who just keeps working.  Here is the latest on his action at Gert's house.  
It wasn't much of a front porch, but now it's gone.  Sorry I couldn't get a shot of me holding the rops to pull it down after he got it detached from the building.  If only we had a mule.

See anything you want?

He seems to enjoy the dump run.

There was a fence to the East of  the house, dividing the front yard from the back.

Then it was gone. 

This guy spend some time this morning enjoying the shade by the deck.  I could only get a shot through the window screen but ain't he purty?  I would like to touch those developing antlers because they look very velvety, but he might not take kindly to that.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 "Every act of creation is first an act of destruction" said Pablo Picasso.   

Get a load of this destruction -  (all done in one short afternoon)

There was a kitchen (you already saw that the appliances and the dividing wall came out last week) - 

And then there wasn't. 

There was a built-in buffet in the dining area - 

And then there wasn't.  

Stand back if you see a guy with a cordless drill and a sledge hammer.  

Remember 1976 decorating trends?

This is all that remains.
(Never know when you might need a fly swatter.)