Friday, September 6, 2024

980 Months Old

 Kind of an interesting perspective on this old guy who just keeps working.  Here is the latest on his action at Gert's house.  
It wasn't much of a front porch, but now it's gone.  Sorry I couldn't get a shot of me holding the rops to pull it down after he got it detached from the building.  If only we had a mule.

See anything you want?

He seems to enjoy the dump run.

There was a fence to the East of  the house, dividing the front yard from the back.

Then it was gone. 

This guy spend some time this morning enjoying the shade by the deck.  I could only get a shot through the window screen but ain't he purty?  I would like to touch those developing antlers because they look very velvety, but he might not take kindly to that.

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