Wednesday, September 11, 2024

And so it begins

 Tuesday morning a truck and three guys showed up to begin the process of taking Gert's house apart to prepare it for moving, which they say will be tomorrow.  We hope.  Look what happened - 

John and his tractor to the rescue to remove the remaining stumps of the shrubbery.

Craig didn't want to miss out on the fun. 

What should we do with the front porch steps?

Hey, we can pee!

There goes the back porch step.

                                                   It all looks so bare.

                    They took off the panel that covers the joining seam

Then with just a little hand jack it went up enough to put wheels under there.

Mind the gap. 

                                       There is always a party to be had.

                                              It looks so very sad.

                         But is ready for some big movement.  Stay tuned.

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