Saturday, September 21, 2024

It's a dirty job

Where should we dump it?

The first of what seemed to be a hundred loads - these trucks were coming and going for hours.  

Then Tim and Marty made quick work of shoving it around  and smoothing it out, back and forth, forth and back over and over.  It's kind of like watching a mechanical ballet but the only music was the chugging and grinding and grumbling of the tractors.  John Williams should write an exciting score for this. 

Notice Al back there rebuilding the little greenhouse so he can move his basil and tomato plants to their new home. 

See how things are more level and built up now?  Much better for the new house when it finally arrives.  Next will be the concrete, which needs to cure for two weeks, and waiting for the permit.  It gives me more time to procrastinate on deciding what we really need to keep for a smaller house.  This is very difficult for an old woman whose motto is "never throw anything away."  You never know when you might need that scrap of purple fabric or that old Mason jar.  You just never know.  

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