Thursday, October 17, 2024


 Watch how the new house came together.  It's basically the same as Gert's old house, but on a bigger scale.  Here we go.

                                               Won't need these again.  

The hitch will be removed but here's a great shot of the slider thing.
I learned that this is called a come along, "a hand-operated winch that uses a wire and rope to pull, lift or move heavy objects.  Also known as hand winch or cable puller."  I thought a come along was a wink and a smile.

                                                   Getting closer - - -


Looks like a huge version of a little kid playing with building blocks. More to come today when they put the siding on and then finish all the inside so you'll never know it arrived in two parts. Are you as fascinated as I am?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

It runs in the family

Nick treated us with a delicious dinner - he had me with the brown butter potatoes.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Will two halves make a whole?

Here comes part one, the side that will face South.  That's the laundry room door,  master (can we say that?) bedroom on the right, kitchen on the left.  It's 12 noon and there is a house in the street.

And Wall-E, that remote-controlled tractor to do the work. 

How will he clear that post?  

He did it!  

Unhook the truck

Hook up the magic machine


Right up on the slab, with a bit of fancy maneuvering.

Ten tires to haul half of a heavyhouse.

Looks kind of lonely, doesn't it?

Don't worry - here comes the North half. 

Back to work

How will they every get together?  

Kind of like waiting for a guy to ask you to dance.

This caused a lot of consternation among the viewing audience. 
 We were all sure it would tip right over. 

Getting closer - - - 

Closer but what about those tires climbing up onto that concrete pad?

With a little help from three boards.

Almost there.


Like being in a fun house of black plastic mirrors.

Success, at least for today.  That's a bathroom window.

It's 1:30 and my work here is done.  

Getting the idea?

More to come soon when it gets put together. 
 Porch included is a nice touch.

It's been a very exciting day.   The lawn might not agree.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Let's close up the shed

 That big gap between the two pieces of Gert's house, aka The Shed, has got to go.  Here's the fascinating way four guys did it. 

 Remember that this thing was built in 1976 so it's very funky. 

The protective and very heavy black plastic was removed from the openings.

Doesn't look like much, does it.  This is the ultimate hallway.

The plastic was now on the ground to become a vapor barrier.  
Recycling at its best.

Those concrete blocks were put back under to hold it up.  

Puny little jacks were used to raise the whole thing. 

The tires were removed.


More pumping another dinky jack at the front hitch,
 which was later removed because this house, excuse me, shed, is going nowhere.

This slider wend under the house,  which will actually move on such a basic piece of equipment. 

Like this.  

Another little red jack. 

The tires were taken off to be used another time somewhere else.

Yes!  They physically pushed it!  

With the help of this contraption which pulled while the guys pushed. 

Back together.  This gap will be filled with the siding. 
 Shingles will go back on the roof.
It's all one piece again!  There were more steps, but it was cold and rainy so I went in for warmth and wine.  It's so convenient to be right next door.

Notice that Al's stepladder and tool table never moved through all that. 

It's such a fascinating process 
and obviously a young man's job with all that crawling and lifting.  

We all learned something so next time you need to move a very old mobile home give us a call.  Thanks for watching with us.